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Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Neuman, S. B., Kaefer, T., & Pinkham, A. (2022). Incidental Word Learning Through Multiple Media: A Case for Synergy. Topics in Language Disorders, 42(4), 290-303. [available here]

Neuman, S. B., Samudra, P., & Wong, K. M. (2021). Two may be better than one: Promoting incidental word learning through multiple media. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 73, 101252. [available here]

Neuman, S. B., & Danielson, K. (2021). Enacting content-rich curriculum in early childhood: The role of teacher knowledge and pedagogy. Early Education and Development, 32(3), 443-458. [available here

Neuman, S. B., Flynn, R., Wong, K., & Kaefer, T. (2020). Quick, incidental word learning in educational media: all contexts are not equal. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68, 2913-2937. [available here]

Neuman, S.B. & Danielson, K. (2020). Enacting Content-rich Curriculum in Early Childhood: The Role of Teacher Knowledge and Pedagogy. Early Education and Development. [available here]

Neuman, S.B., Celano, D., Portillo, M. (2019). Looking for Literacy in All the Right Spaces: The Laundromat. The Reading Teacher. [available here]

Neuman, S. B., Samudra, P., Wong, K. M., & Kaefer, T. (2019). Scaffolding attention and partial word learning through interactive co-viewing of educational media: An eye-tracking study with low-income preschoolers. Journal of Educational Psychology. [available here]

Wong, K. M. & Samudra, P. (in press). L2 vocabulary learning from educational media: Extending dual-coding theory to dual-language learners. Computer Assisted Language Learning. [available here]

Samudra, P., Wong, K. M., & Neuman, S. B. (in press). Promoting low-income preschoolers’ vocabulary from educational media: Does repetition support memory for learned word knowledge? Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology.

Samudra, P., Flynn, R., & Wong, K. M. (2019). Coviewing educational media: Does coviewing help low-income preschoolers learn auditory and audio-visual vocabulary associations? AERA Open, 5(2), 1-12. [available here]

Danielson, K., Wong, K. M., & Neuman, S. B. (2019). Vocabulary in educational media for preschoolers: A content analysis of word selection and screen-based pedagogical supports. Journal of Children and Media, 13(4), 345-362. [available here]

Wong, K. M. & Neuman, S. B. (2019). Learning vocabulary on screen: A content analysis of pedagogical supports in educational media programs for Dual-Language Learners. Bilingual Research Journal, 42(1), 54-72 . [available here]

Flynn, R., Wong, K. M., Neuman, S. B., & Kaefer, T. (2019). Children’s attention to screen-based pedagogical supports predicts vocabulary learning: An eye-tracking study with low-income preschool children. Journal of Children and Media, 13(2), 180-200. [available here]

Neuman, S. B., Wong, K. M., Flynn, R. & Kaefer, T. (2019). Learning vocabulary from educational media: The role of pedagogical supports for low-income preschoolers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(1), 32-44. [available here]

Neuman, S.B. and Knapczyk, J. (2018). Reaching Families Where They Are:  Examining an Innovative Book Distribution Program. Urban Education. [available here]

Neuman, S.B. & Kaefer, T., (2018) Developing Low-Income Children's Vocabulary and Content Knowledge through a Shared Book Reading Program. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 54, 15-24.  [available here]

Neuman, S.B. (2017). The Information Book Flood: Is Additional Exposure Enough to Support Early Literacy Development? The Elementary School Journal, 118(1), 1-27. [available here]

Neuman, S.B., Wong, K.M., & Kaefer, T. (2017). Content Not Form Predicts Oral Language Comprehension: The Influence of the Medium for Preschoolers. Reading and Writing, 30(8), 1753-1771. [available here]

Neuman, S. B., Kaefer, T., & Pinkham, A. M. (2017). A Double Dose of Disadvantage: Language Experiences for Low-Income Children in Home and School. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(1), 102-118. [available here]

Kaefer, T., Pinkham, A. M., & Neuman, S. B. (2016). Seeing and knowing: Attention to illustrations during storybook reading and narrative comprehension in 2‐year‐olds. Infant and Child Development, 26(5). [available here]

Wong, K.M. & Neuman, S.B. (2016). Educational media supports for preschool-aged English Language Learners. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development. [available here]

Neuman, S. B., & Moland, N. (2016). Book deserts the consequences of income segregation on children’s access to print. Urban Education, 54(1), 126-147. [available here]

Flynn, R.M., & Colon, N. (2016). Solitary active video game play improves executive functioning more than collaborative play for children with special needs. Games for Health Journal, 5(6). [available here]

Flynn, R.M., Lissy, R., Alicea, S., Tazartes, T. & McKay M. (2016). Professional development for teachers plus coaching related to school-wide suspensions for a large urban school system. Children and Youth Services Review, 62, 29-39. [available here]

Schlesinger, M., Flynn, R.M., Richert, R.A. (2016). Preschoolers’ trust of and learning from media characters. Journal of Children and Media, 10(3) 1748 - 2801. [available here]



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